I've started working on SuperShina in 2013. First version to hit the web was powered by Silex, KnockoutJS, MongoDB, ElasticSearch and Bootstrap. It was integrated with 1C.Enterprise ERP software and had up-to-date data on remaining tires.
Main purpose of building second version of SuperShina was to give more info to clients on reamining tires in each shop and implement fast and easy online purchase. Also as of 2018 project needed a little face-lifting and it was about time to upgrade to php7.
Silex stopped developing and I needed to choose another framework. Community and coding style of Laravel was so inspiring that I've jumped on it right away. I also had to let go MongoDB and switched it for MariaDB. Bootstrap was replaced with Bulma (which also felt like a breath of fresh air in CSS frameworks). KnockoutJS was replaced by Vue shipped with Laravel. ElasticSearch was changed to a newer version of ElasticSearch. In 5 years ES had so many deprecated or modified features that I felt like learning it from scratch.
For order processing I've developed a chatbot for Viber. When there is an order received from site, bot sends a message to all subscribed merchants with appropriate permissions. With the message every merchant sees a keyboard with total order value.
Any merchant can take an order by pressing that button and receiving additional info with client's phone number and remains on each offline store. After processing the order merchant can close the deal with a success or a fail status.
I've also developed an Android app for merchants to have quick access for remaining goods. All data is available online and all merchants have quick access to actual data.
There are more stuff hidden on backend. Like ImageMagick photo processing. Background jobs for data imports. Easy CI implementation with GIT. Integration with some product aggregation sites.